6 Ways Music Is Beneficial for Aging Adults with Alzheimer’s

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Finding activities to do with your senior loved one with Alzheimer’s may be as simple as turning on the radio. Music has many benefits for people with Alzheimer’s disease that can help them enjoy a higher quality of life. These six benefits of music for seniors with Alzheimer’s will have you wanting to turn up the radio and sing a song with your loved one. 


1. Sparks Memories of Happy Times

Most people have certain songs that make them feel as though they’re stepping back in time. Your loved one may respond to the song that was played for the first dance at his or her wedding reception. Your parent may also enjoy songs from a specific era. Using music to trigger memories encourages your loved one to talk about events from the past. Memories often arise spontaneously, so be ready to listen if your loved one expresses an interest in sharing a story. 

For reliable Alzheimer’s care, Pearland families can turn to Assisting Hands Home Care. We are a leading provider of professional memory care designed to help seniors maintain a higher quality of life. In addition to Alzheimer’s care, we also provide comprehensive dementia, Parkinson’s, and stroke care. From revolutionary care programs to compassionate and dedicated caregivers, we can meet all of your Alzheimer’s care needs.


2. Elicits Positive Emotions

In some cases, your loved one may not know why he or she feels good listening to a certain song. Watch as you play certain types of music to find out which ones your loved one enjoys the most. You can then use these songs to boost your loved one’s mood whenever you notice he or she is getting agitated. 


3. Helps Seniors Retain Remaining Abilities

Once Alzheimer’s disease reaches a certain stage, older adults may no longer be able to do many of their old favorite activities. Fortunately, a person’s musical aptitude is one of the last abilities to fade, which means people with Alzheimer’s disease are still able to listen to and appreciate music. They may also be able to tap out simple rhythms or move in time to their favorite songs. 


4. Aids in Recalling Simple Procedures

You can also use fun little tunes to help your loved one remember how to perform certain parts of his or her daily routine. For instance, you can make up a silly toothbrushing song that reminds your loved one to work through each step. While your loved one may need help with some of the words, turning daily activities into songs can help him or her develop neural pathways in the brain that strengthen memory function. 

Professional caregivers with training and experience in cognitive stimulation can be a wonderful resource for seniors with Alzheimer’s. If your senior loved one has been diagnosed with a serious condition and needs help with tasks like meal prep, transportation, bathing, and grooming, reach out to Assisting Hands Home Care, a leading provider of home care Pearland families can trust. We also offer comprehensive care for seniors with dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s.


5. Provides a Sense of Security

Seniors with Alzheimer’s disease can sometimes feel confused about what happens during different parts of their days. They may also feel alone when caregivers must step away to perform various tasks. Playing the same song during transitional times in your loved one’s daily routine may help him or her feel a sense of control over what happens next. 


6. Promotes Close Relationships

Seniors with Alzheimer’s disease may not always be able to find the words they need to tell people how much they care. However, they can hold hands and dance with people they love. Invite your loved one to enjoy a dance with you, or simply hold his or her hand as you sway to the music to further enhance your bond. 

Caring for senior loved ones can be challenging for families who don’t have expertise or professional training in home care, but this challenge doesn’t have to be faced alone. Though you may be researching multiple agencies that provide senior care, Pearland, TX, Assisting Hands Home Care has much to offer your family and your elderly loved one. We are leaders in the senior home care industry, offering hourly and around-the-clock assistance from reliable, experienced caregivers. Trust Assisting Hands Home Care to provide high-quality compassionate professional care for your loved one. Call one of our friendly Care Managers today at (281) 299-3151