The physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion that comes with caregiving can often lead to caregiver burnout. When the stress of caring for your senior loved one becomes too challenging to handle, you may become fatigued or experience depression or anxiety. However, there are various ways to address this issue, including the simple practices mentioned below. The objective is to incorporate self-care habits into your daily life while caring for your loved one.
1. Schedule “Me Time”
It’s essential to schedule personal time each day. Consider getting up twenty minutes early to savor a morning cup of tea, or schedule time to take a walk alone in the afternoon. You could also plan spa outings or take time to read, write down your feelings, sit in the park, or meditate. Regardless of what you do with your free time, having it is essential to being a family caregiver.
If you need assistance caring for your loved one, consider hiring a professional caregiver. At-home care professionals can be a wonderful boon to seniors. Whether they require around-the-clock supervision or just need assistance with exercise and household tasks a few days a week, seniors can enjoy a higher quality of life with the help of trusted in-home caregivers.
2. Learn the Easiest & Hardest Aspects of Caregiving
You must accept your own limitations and let go of what causes anger and other negative feelings. For example, if you have difficulty helping your loved one with bathing, ask other family members to step in with that aspect of the caregiving process while you take on other duties. The objective is to avoid caregiving roles that cause negative emotions and lead to burnout.
3. Get Informed
Understanding your loved one’s illness is complicated and could lead to caregiver burnout. The objective is to learn as much as possible to remain prepared and less stressed. For instance, you can speak with a nurse or family physician to learn more about your loved one’s illness and the eating, exercise, and social habits your loved one should take on daily. Getting information can ease your mind and make the caregiving process less stressful.
4. Ask for Assistance
Ask for help from your siblings and other close family members or friends who are trustworthy. Hiring a professional caregiver is another option if your family cannot step up to help. Home care agencies have trained caregivers who can meet your loved one’s care needs. The objective is to get assistance regularly or until you can create a schedule that allows you to care for your loved one while also meeting the needs of your job, children, spouse, and friends as well as your own self-care without getting burned out.
Family caregivers don’t have to risk their own wellbeing to make sure their loved ones continue to receive high-quality care. Whether you need respite from your caregiving duties or your aging loved one needs more extensive senior home care, Pearland, TX, Assisting Hands Home Care can meet your family’s care needs. Our dedicated caregivers are available around the clock to provide transportation to doctor’s appointments, ensure seniors take their prescribed medications, and help with a variety of tasks in and outside the home.
5. Get Mental & Emotional Support
Having a caregiver support group or friends to lean on can prevent burnout. Sometimes, talking it out is all you need to do to lower anxiety. Regardless, it would be best to let your emotions out instead of holding the anger, sadness, fear, and heartbreak inside. Remember these negative emotions aren’t always due to caregiving duties. The sadness could come from watching your parent’s health decrease, knowing you cannot stop the aging process.
6. Eat Healthy & Exercise
Your health habits are as vital as those you incorporate into your loved one’s daily routine. You need to eat nutritious foods and take on regular physical activities that can stave off depression and caregiver burnout. Schedule your meals and exercise routine at the same time as your loved one’s. Incorporate the physical activities you need and food that’s best for your physical wellbeing.
For family caregivers who are at risk of burnout, hiring a professional caregiver can provide a much-needed source of support. One of the most challenging tasks of helping an elderly relative age in place safely and comfortably is researching agencies that provide elderly home care. Pearland families can turn to Assisting Hands Home Care Pearland for reliable, high-quality in-home care for aging adults. We offer 24-hour care for seniors who require extensive assistance, and we also offer respite care for family caregivers who need a break from their caregiving duties. To learn about our quality-assured services, give us a call at (281)-809-7342 today.