The most common cause of dementia in older adults is Alzheimer’s disease, which isn’t treatable and cannot be reversed. However, certain other conditions elicit symptoms of dementia that can resolve after the root cause has been treated. If you provide care for a senior loved one who has been experiencing memory problems but hasn’t been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, one of the following issues may be the cause.
Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH)
With this condition, a gradual buildup of spinal fluid in the brain leads to issues with cognition and, most noticeably, gait problems. If your loved one is experiencing these symptoms, see a neurologist, who can diagnose this condition with imaging tests. It’s usually treatable with a shunt.
Korsakoff Syndrome
This type of dementia is caused by a deficiency of the nutrient thiamine, typically associated with alcohol abuse, AIDS, eating disorders, kidney disease, or late-stage cancer. While research into Korsakoff syndrome is limited, experts think about a quarter of people with this type of dementia regain normal function, with another 50 percent showing some improvement.
Aging in place can present a few challenges for seniors living with dementia. However, they can still live independently at home with the help of professional dementia care. Pearland families can rely on Assisting Hands Home Care to provide their elderly loved ones with mental and social stimulation, timely medication reminders, assistance with meal prep, and much more. Our caregivers are available around the clock to help your loved one live a happier and healthier life.
Medication Interactions
Seniors are often prescribed several drugs to treat a variety of conditions, sometimes by multiple physicians who may not be aware of other medications being taken. If this describes your loved one, make an appointment for a medical review with his or her physician. The dementia your loved one is experiencing may be reversed if it’s caused by a prescription or medication interactions.
Reversible Cognitive Dementia
This type of memory loss is actually a symptom of pervasive clinical depression. In some older adults, depression can manifest not only as sadness but also as confusion and forgetfulness. If you think this may apply to your loved one, his or her doctor can recommend a course of treatment. This typically includes both medication and psychotherapy.
Caring for a loved one with dementia can be challenging, but you don’t have to go through it alone. If your senior loved one has been diagnosed with a serious condition and needs help with tasks like meal prep, transportation, bathing, and grooming, reach out to Assisting Hands Home Care, a leading provider of in-home care families can trust. We also offer comprehensive care for seniors with dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s.
Older adults commonly exhibit confusion or other symptoms of cognitive impairment when they develop systemic infections. Since the immune system isn’t as efficient in the senior years, your parent may not have an elevated temperature. However, your loved one may have a respiratory or urinary infection. A physical examination along with blood and urine tests may uncover the problem, which is treated with anti-infection medications.
Lack of Sleep
Sleep deprivation may leave seniors feeling foggy and confused in addition to being fatigued. Aging adults may also exhibit some degree of memory loss. If the problem becomes chronic, a lack of sleep has the potential to decrease the volume in certain areas of the brain. Seniors may need to make some environmental changes to induce restful sleep. While many types of dementia are progressive, certain causes of memory loss are reversible with the right medical attention. It’s also possible to delay cognitive decline by living a healthy lifestyle and engaging the brain in stimulating activities.
If your loved one is living with cognitive decline due to dementia or another condition, compassionate help is just a phone call away. Seniors can face a variety of challenges as they age, many of which can be mitigated with the help of professional in-home caregivers who provide high-quality home care. families trust Assisting Hands Home Care Pearland to help their elderly loved ones age in place safely and comfortably. If you need professional care for your loved one, reach out to one of our Care Managers today.